Steve Urkel Had to Hide His Bulge on Later Seasons of "Family Matters" 

Steve Urkel was never meant to be the main character of "Family Matters", but he got huge . . . both figuratively AND literally.



Jaleel White has a new memoir coming out tomorrow called "Growing Up Urkel" . . . in which he reveals that he eventually had to wear looser jeans to hide his MASSIVE JUNK.



It was Season 8 when executives said, quote, "Let's get rid of the suspenders. Lower his pants, too. Oh and . . . It's getting a bit uncomfortable watching him in tight jeans. There's a, uh . . . bulge."



In addition to Urkel's pants, Jaleel also outgrew his pipes. He says that as he got older, it became "physically painful" to keep speaking in Steve's high-pitched voice.



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