3 Things You Must See: A Huge Swarm of Dragonflies Took Over a Beach In...

A Huge Swarm of Dragonflies Took Over a Beach in Rhode Island



Rain can ruin your day at the beach . . . or this: A packed beach in Rhode Island got invaded by thousands of dragonflies on Saturday. Some people laughed, others left, and lots of little kids screamed their head off.


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(Warning: There's profanity in the background. Here's a video and another angle.)

When Your Kid's Gift to You Is Accidentally R-Rated



A site called Freaklace takes your kid's drawing and turns it into a custom necklace. Which is a cute idea . . . unless the drawing is accidentally R-rated.



They posted a video to show off their work. It's supposed to be a drawing of a mom and daughter holding hands. But the big shoes they're wearing make them look like something else.



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Gorilla Sofas Went Viral, Now a Company Is Actually Making Them



Did you see the "gorilla sofas" that were all over TikTok this month? They're huge and plush and really do look like a gorilla, with a face and everything. So "where to purchase a gorilla couch" was a trending search.



The problem was all those images were just generated by A.I. Gorilla sofas didn't actually exist in real life . . . until NOW.



A furniture company in China is making them. They apparently tossed the A.I. images up online with a hefty price tag. Then they had to figure out how to make them once people started placing orders.



If you're one of those people, prepare to be disappointed. Yes, you're getting a gorilla couch. But they don't look like the A.I. version.



Someone at a factory in China posted a video, and the quality is much worse. It's got a head and hands, and it's definitely a gorilla. It's just not very realistic.



It looks like the couch is now available on Amazon for the low, low price of $10,000.  

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