The Graceland Auction Is Off 

Graceland will NOT be sold off. Yesterday, a Memphis judge blocked the foreclosure auction that was supposedly going to happen today.



What caused all this was a company called Naussany Investments & Private Lending. They said that the late Lisa Marie Presley had put Graceland up as collateral on a $3.8 million loan.



But when she died, she still owed them. So they were gonna sell Graceland to get their money back.



Lisa Marie's daughter, Riley Keough, filed an injunction to stop it. She claimed it was all a scam, and Naussany had FORGED her mother's signature.



At yesterday's hearing, the judge pretty much backed up that claim, because the notary swore he did NOT notarize Lisa Marie's signature on the deed of trust Naussany provided.





After their setback in court, Naussany withdrew all claims on Graceland WITH PREJUDICE, which means they can't be re-filed. 



And now, there's talk that the FBI might be interested in investigating this chaos.



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