3 Things You Must See: A Woman Discovered Her Husband Was Cheating After...

A Woman Discovered Her Husband Was Cheating . . . After Their Puppy Swallowed His Mistress' Thong?


 If you're cheating on your partner, you'll be caught eventually. These days, cheaters are usually outed by some kind of TECHNOLOGY . . . but there are also CRAZY circumstances like THIS . . .



A 26-year-old female veterinarian says that she was just starting a new job last week . . . when they had someone bring in a very sick puppy.



They did an X-ray, and realized that the dog had eaten something that had become caught in its system. They performed an emergency surgery and pulled out the obstruction: It was . . . a THONG.



They told the owner, and she didn't understand . . . because she didn't own a thong. She called her husband, and apparently the revelation that it was another woman's came to the surface . . . WHILE they were on the phone.



The vet says she felt terrible for the woman . . . because it was a horrible way to find out. Not to mention the stress over the dog, which could've passed away if it had not had the thong removed in time. The dog will be fine. The marriage . . . we're not so sure. 

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An Accident on a Bridge Left an 18-Wheeler Dangling Over the Edge


This is terrifying. And it's incredible that the truck driver made it out alive. 



A while back, an 18-wheeler was hit head-on while driving over the Clark Memorial Bridge in Louisville, Kentucky. The truck driver swerved and crashed OVER the bridge railing. More than half of the truck dangled over the edge, 75 feet above the Ohio River.



Luckily a crane was brought in and they used an "aerial ladder and pulley" to rescue the driver.  The other driver was charged with "wanton endangerment."



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A Young British Girl with a Thick Accent Is Fuming Over Overpriced Ice Cream


This video is very funny, and it's also very difficult to understand this eight-year-old British girl's accent. However, you can tell she's pretty ticked off after having to spend "9 quid for two ice creams." That's around $11.40 American.



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(Here's the video.  And here's a follow-up video of them on the local news.)


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