Food: Here Is The $400 Pineapple That's Trending Online?

Here Is The $400 Pineapple That's Trending Online?



 If you're buying this, you officially have too much money. Or you're really bad at budgeting . . .Have you seen the $400 PINEAPPLE that's trending online?



The fruit company Del Monte originally unveiled it in late January, but it was only available in China. Now you can get it in the U.S.



They're called "Rubyglow" pineapples. And the only remarkable thing about them is they're slightly red on the outside. 



They describe the inside as "bright yellow" and say it has a "sweet flavor" . . . so, pretty much like a regular pineapple. Even Del Monte describes the taste as "similar" to their normal ones.


Pineapple snobs might argue it's NOT normal. It's a new hybrid that's supposed to be sweeter and slightly less bitter. 


But the real reason they're so expensive is they're only selling 5,000 of them this year, and just 3,000 next year. So it's a scarcity thing.



They might eventually be cheaper. But the one place you can buy them right now is on the produce site for $396, plus shipping. 



Just a reminder: A normal pineapple runs you about three bucks at the grocery store. 

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It took several wrongful death lawsuits, but Panera Bread is finally dropping its "Charged Lemonade."

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Companies have figured out that providing "good coffee" is an effective way to entice workers to return to the office. 

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1 in 4 Americans Buy Healthy Foods . . . Just Because They're "Trendy"



Do you ever come home from the grocery store with Impossible ground beef, kale, hummus, and kombucha . . . just because they're COOL?



In a new poll, 26% of Americans admit to buying healthy foods at the grocery store "just because they're trendy." We're assuming they still EAT THEM. But we've all bought something because we think we SHOULD eat healthier . . . only to have it go to waste before we figure out how to use it.



Overall, 65% of people would rate their grocery shopping habits as at least "somewhat healthy." But healthiness is only our FOURTH highest priority, behind cost . . . quality . . . and household preferences.



The poll also asked what types of foods people would be MORE likely to SPLURGE on if they could . . . and "organic produce" is #1.



Things that are "high in" good stuff (like vitamins and nutrients) is next . . . followed by "sugar-free" versions, then there are things that have "reduced bad stuff (like fat and sugar), and items that are "free range."



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