A Woman Was Arrested for Doing Jumping Jacks . . . Naked . . . in Her...

No matter how much of an exhibitionist you are, some things can't be comfortable to do naked. And jumping jacks IS on that list.



A 27-year-old woman in South Carolina named Alexis Harnett was arrested on March 2nd after a neighbor complained that she was in her front yard screaming and doing jumping jacks . . . topless.



They even showed a video of the incident to the police. The neighbor has two young kids, and there's no fence or anything else that would prevent people from seeing into her yard.



It's unclear what Alexis was doing . . . there's no mention of drugs or any other issues . . . but she HAS harassed other neighbors in the past. In November, she and her boyfriend, Worden Butler, were accused of BURNING A CROSS . . . allegedly to intimidate some Black neighbors.



Alexis was arrested and charged with one count of obscene exposure.

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