Shocking or Not Shocking:  Teens Spend 4.8 Hours a Day on Social Media

Have you ever heard something that's both shocking AND not shocking simultaneously?  



A new Gallup poll of more than 1,500 teenagers has found that the average teenager spends 4.8 hours on social media . . . every single day.



That ranges from as "low" as 4.1 hours for 13-year-olds . . . to 5.8 hours for 17-year-olds . . . before dropping back to 4.5 hours for 19-year-olds. 



More girls than boys spend at least four hours on social media . . . and the girls who are online spend more time there than boys.



YouTube is the most popular app . . . followed by TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook.  Next comes "X," or whatever it's called.  



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Photo: Buda Mendes / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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