BUSTED!!! Strapping a Halloween Mask to Seat to Use the Carpool Lane
Have you got your Halloween costume picked out yet? Looks like this person hit Spirit Halloween early this year . . .
A state trooper in Washington state posted a pic after someone was caught using the carpool lane with a Halloween mask strapped to their passenger's seat.
They looped it around the top, and draped a vest around the seat to make it look more like a person. But unless you only glanced, it wouldn't fool anyone.
We found the mask online, and Spirit Halloween does sell it. It's a white mask with glowing orange wires across the mouth, so it looks like the lips are sewn shut.
The driver was cited for an HOV violation. In Washington, the minimum fine is $186. Or if it's not your first offense, $336.
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Someone Stole a Vacuum Filled with Angry Hornets
Think of the worst possible thing someone could steal. I bet this tops it . . .
Someone in Philadelphia stole a shop-vac from the bed of a pickup truck last Thursday. But the real story is what was INSIDE the vacuum . . . hundreds of ANGRY HORNETS.
The truck it was in happens to belong to a guy named Don Shump, who owns a pest control business called Philadelphia Bee Company.
He'd just removed a hornet's nest from someone's property, and used the shop-vac to suck up a bunch of them.
He posted about it on Facebook, saying, "To the poor soul who lifted the shop-vac out of the back of my truck, I wanted to give you a heads up."
He said the hornets were probably extra angry after being moved. And it wasn't just a normal nest. It happened to have a ton of QUEENS in it. No word on who stole the shop-vac, or if they've opened it yet.
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A guy at a resort in Florida fondled himself in a hot tub.
When an employee confronted him, he yelled "It's my birthday" and took off running. It was, in fact, his 34th birthday. But he still got arrested.
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A guy from Rhode Island was caught near the Canadian border trying to smuggle 26 pounds of cocaine into the U.S. in a kayak.
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