Criminalz: A Drunk Driver Told 911 Someone Was Driving the Wrong Way . . .

A Drunk Driver Told 911 Someone Was Driving the Wrong Way . . . It Was Him



This is just a unique level of dumb right here:  Cops in Nebraska released audio from March, where a guy called 911 to report that someone was driving the WRONG DIRECTION down a highway.



But it turned out the guy missed one minor detail:  HE was driving the wrong way.



He told 911 that a truck almost hit him head-on and nearly ran him off the road.  So they sent a cop-out to stop whoever it was.



But when the cop eventually caught up with the wrong-way car, the guy who called 911 was sitting in the driver's seat.



By that point, he'd realized his mistake.  When the cop asked if he knew why he got pulled over, he said, "Yeah, because I was on the wrong side of the road."  He added that he "must have missed an exit."



But the real reason was . . . he'd been doing some drinking.  They arrested him when it turned out he was over the legal limit. 

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A guy accused of attempted murder escaped custody in Oregon last week.  

But police caught up with him after he waded into some thick mud and had to be rescued.  He was stuck in mud up to his armpits for 12 hours. 

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A teacher in Florida got arrested last Thursday after pulling a gun on a teenager during a road rage incident.

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A man and woman in China got arrested after using an excavator to bust a hole in the Great Wall of China.  Reports say they were sick of going around it and wanted to create a shortcut. 

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