3 Things You Must See: "I Like Turtles Kid" Is In A TMNT Commercial

"I Like Turtles Kid" Is In A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Is In A Commercial

Remember the kid who went viral when a TV field reporter stuck a mic in his face and all he said was "I like turtles"? 

Well Paramount tracked him down. He's all grown up, they put him back in zombie make up and he's in a funny promo for the new "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem" movie. Here it is:

Man Goes Viral For Tattooing Blank To-Do List

Genius . . . or stupid?  A man is going viral for having a blank "to-do list" TATTOOED on the palm of his hand. 

Read the full story HERE

Three Humpback Whales Leap Out of the Ocean in Unison

 Imagine being on a boat as a humpback whale leaps out of the ocean.  This guy saw three of them leaping at the SAME time off the coast of Massachusetts.  He was on a fishing trip with his three daughters celebrating his birthday.


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