LOCAL Bridal Store Closed Suddenly and Left Women Scrambling For Dresses

Imagine having multiple Bridezillas gunning for you . . .



In Spring, Texas, several brides are raging right now . . . because the store where they bought their wedding gowns just CLOSED DOWN with no warning.



The name of the place is Princess Bridal.  The owner recently added a banner to the top of the website saying they closed and "sorry for the inconvenience."  But several brides were never notified.



At least two women had ordered dresses and put down deposits.  Now they're both scrambling to find new dresses and get their money back.



One said she tried calling the place two weeks ago, and no one answered.  So she went to the store and found a notice on the door saying the owner hadn't paid rent.  She also noticed their Facebook and Instagram pages were gone.



The other bride put down a $1,000 deposit last November and was told her dress would arrive in May.  But she still hasn't gotten it.



Her fiancé did get a response over email the other day after threatening to sue.  They said don't worry, the dress is coming.  But he hasn't heard anything since.



The Better Business Bureau told them they could try disputing the charge with their credit card company.  But if that doesn't work . . . and the place is filing for bankruptcy . . . they might be out of luck. 



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Photo: Getty Images

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