Car Flies Over Tow Truck "Dukes of Hazzard" Style
This happened last week near Valdosta, Georgia. A tow truck was on a highway with its ramp down, ready to pick up a car, when a DIFFERENT car came barreling down the road and ONTO the truck's ramp . . .
It went airborne "Dukes of Hazzard" style and flew about 120 feet before hitting another car. Two people were injured. It was captured on a sheriff's body cam.
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Another Tourist in Hawaii Followed Her GPS Into the Ocean
This exact same thing happened in the exact same location last month in Hawaii. A tourist following her GPS directions drove her car into the ocean. Fishermen rescued her in a nearby boat, who seemed annoyed by the whole thing.
They didn't dive into the water like the last rescuers. They barked out instructions to leave her car and swim to their boat. One of them lent his hand for her to climb aboard. Despite this happening twice, officials have no plans to add signage.
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Her Kids Made Their Own Incredible Horror Movie Called "Splatula"
Hollywood? We need this. NOW.
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