Most people agree this is something you shouldn't do. And yet, it turns out most of us have done it . . .
82% of Americans say they've snooped through someone's PHONE before. Women were even more likely to say they've done it . . . 88%, compared to 77% of men.
"General curiosity" and "suspicion of wrongdoing" were the top two reasons people snoop. And a lot of those searches are fruitful. 53% of snoopers say they've found something incriminating before.
Here are a few more snooping stats . . .
1. The top two people we've snooped on are significant others and exes. 9% have also looked through their kid's phone . . . friends, 8% . . . parents and siblings, 7% each . . . and 3% of us have looked through a coworker's device.
2. The top things we look at when we snoop are the person's text messages . . . their photos or videos . . . and their browser history.
3. The most concerning things we've found are flirtatious texts . . . proof of cheating . . . and evidence they've been lying in general.
4. When we do snoop, we usually get away with it. 81% of snoopers said they've never been caught.
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