IG Tattoosday: 𝑡𝑰𝑲𝑲𝑰

Brother Rod!! I think I got a pretty great Tatoosday submission for you. She's a super hot, dog-loving metalhead, which hits all the marks for me. Oh, and tell Tessa she can stay name all she wants because I ain't scared of my wife! (Just kidding, I am, but she doesn't listen to the show).

I hope y'all have a great day!

Brandon Bradley.




Thanks, Brandon… Great first-time feature today. - Rod





If you have or see an awesome Instagram that we should feature, just send the link to rod@thebuzz.com and TELL ME WHY I SHOULD RUN IT!



Here is π‘΅π‘°π‘²π‘²π‘° and her 61 thousand followers.

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