Boy Scout Sleeps OUTSIDE For 1,000 Nights In A Row.
A 14-year-old Boy Scout in northern Minnesota just hit his goal of sleeping outside 1,000 nights in a row. He's been doing it since April 2020, even in winter. He says the coldest night so far was 38 BELOW, but he's got all the gear and knows what he's doing. For his 1,000th night, he built himself an igloo to sleep in.
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An Animal Activist Goes Nuts on a Woman Who's Legally Fishing.
An animal activist in England has been nicknamed Carp Karen because she went nuts on a woman fishing in a "designated fishery."
The woman tries to explain that it's legal, but the activist continues calling her every name in the book. The woman did eventually release the fish back into the water.
(Warning: This video is LOADED with profanities.)
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The Strangest Haircut You've Ever Seen...Using A Cleaver
The obvious question is, "Who thought of trying this?"