This is one of those things people knew 30 years ago but less and less now: TikTok's new obsession of the day is the "shave and a haircut" knock . . . and the fact that it has that NAME.
A TikToker in England was watching Netflix with subtitles on when someone knocked on a door, and the subtitles said it was the "shave and a haircut knock."
He knew the knock itself but not the name or the song that goes with it. So he had to look it up. He posted a video about what a weird name it is, and what the "two bits" part at the end means. It was an old-timey term for a quarter.
Many people in the comments didn't know either, not just young people. A few folks in their 50s had no idea.
If you were a kid in 1988, you might know it from the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" There's a whole scene about how the "toon" characters can't resist singing "two bits" if you do the knock.
For everyone who DID know, here's a bonus fact: In England, they don't sing "two bits" . . . they sing "five bobs," which used to mean "five shillings."
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