Watch Tyler Joseph from Twenty-One Pilots Wipe Out on a Drumstick and Cut His Knee
A freak accident during the Twenty One Pilots show in Cleveland on Tuesday night caused Tyler Joseph to wipe out, twist his ankle, and slice opens his knee.
In a video posted on Twitter after the show, drummer Josh Dun admitted it was his fault. He dropped a drumstick, but he figured it would be fine where it was. Two songs later, Tyler slipped on it.
NICKELBACK To Release New Single 'San Quentin' Next Week
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During his 1968 TV special, Elvis Presley had an accident in his leather pants. A very PLEASURABLE accident. (???)
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Canadian Radio Stations Pull Arcade Fire Off The Air
The fallout from sexual misconduct allegations against Arcade Fire frontman Win Butler continues, with the band’s music being pulled from rotation by some Canadian radio stations. CBC says they will “pause” playing Arcade Fire on its CBC Music FM station and the SiriusXM CBC Radio 3 station until they “learn more about the situation.”
It’s not just the CBC making the move; Ian March, program director at Toronto indie rock station Indie88, says they made “a quick decision over the weekend to pull the band’s music,” but he doesn’t know if it’s permanent.
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Gorillaz's new album "Cracker Island" will be out in February. It'll include Stevie Nicks, Bad Bunny, and Beck. They also released a song yesterday with Tame Impala.
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Spotify released their Top Songs of Summer lists. #1 in the U.S. is "Running Up That Hill" by Kate Bush. Globally, the top song is " As It Was" by Harry Styles.
Are These the Songs With the Most Misheard Lyrics Ever?
This seems a little SKETCH to me, but the website WordFinder claims to have conducted a survey to determine the most misheard songs of all time.
#1 "Enter Sandman," Metallica!!!