A New Footbridge in Mexico Collapsed as Soon as People Walked on It
A new footbridge near Mexico City opened to the public on Tuesday and promptly COLLAPSED as soon as people walked on it. The town's mayor decided to inaugurate it by walking across it himself, along with some city council members.
It was only 10 feet off the ground, so no one died. But six people were injured.
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A 104-year-old woman in Connecticut named Bertha Komor just fulfilled her lifelong dream of hanging out with a penguin.
Employees at her retirement home got in touch with an aquarium and made it happen.
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The "Pinkity Drinkity" Drive-Thru Prank Is Alive and Well
Here's the prank that keeps on giving: Videos are going viral again of women tricking guys into ordering a "Pinkity Drinkity" at drive-thrus.
It's been around for a few years, but it never gets old. Starbucks has a "Pink Drink," so that's how it got started. The whole point is to make the guy look like an idiot.
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