An Easter Bunny Accidentally Handed Out Condoms at an Elementary School  

Well, this would be tough to chew on, literally: Someone who was dressed up as the Easter Bunny handed out plastic eggs outside an elementary school in Austin last Thursday.



But instead of candy . . . some of the eggs contained unopened CONDOMS.  (???)



It ended up being a parent, and school officials told them to leave. But it sounds like the whole thing might have been an accident.



Someone else with kids who go there got on Twitter and explained what happened . . .



The parent in the Easter Bunny costume works as a pharmacist and had done an Easter-themed safe-sex clinic earlier in the day.



She was still in costume when she went to pick up her second-grader, and all the kids MOBBED her. So she called her husband to bring her some eggs to hand out.



He accidentally grabbed the wrong eggs that were left over from the safe-sex clinic. So it sounds like she handed those out for a while without realizing.



The school sent a letter to parents to make sure they knew that handing out condoms to little kids was NOT a sanctioned event, and they had nothing to do with it.  

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Photo: Getty Images

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