It's April Fools' Day, so expect to see a lot of FAKE products and promotions from brands today. That's kind of the tradition now.
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A few early ones we saw were a Butterfinger-flavored mayonnaise by Hellmann's . . .
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a full-body metaverse gaming suit from the computer brand Razer . . .
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and an Australian amusement park's ad for a new underwater rollercoaster.
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Also, a random Facebook post claimed Oklahoma was getting its first IKEA . . . then people were angry when it wasn't true.
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So are you a fan of April Fools' Day pranks in general?
A recent poll found it's a pretty even split. 45% of Americans think they're amusing . . . 47% say annoying . . . and 8% aren't sure how they feel about them. Here are a few more April Fools' Day facts . . .
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We're more likely to enjoy pranking people than BEING pranked. 46% of us like pulling pranks, compared to 35% who enjoy being the target of one.
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It's considered rude in the U.K. if you prank someone after 12:00 PM. You're supposed to get them out of the way by noon.
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The most common reaction to a prank is to smile and say, "That was a good one."
The top people we'll prank today are family members, friends, our significant other, and our coworkers. That includes 7% who might prank their boss.
(If you do want to prank someone, here are a few ideas that are cheap and easy.)