This proves two things: It takes a special kind of person to be a teacher . . . and maybe some of us SHOULDN'T teach. A high school teacher in North Carolina just had to resign after he LOST IT on his entire class and a student got it on video.
You only see the student's face, because she didn't want him to know she was filming. It all started because another kid didn't put their phone away fast enough.
The teacher allegedly had a golf club and kept hitting the floor with it. He screamed and dropped multiple F-bombs . . . called them IDIOTS . . . and told them they'd end up on WELFARE if they didn't shape up. (Some people thought that part was racist.)
The initial video she posted is pretty bad. But "The New York Post" has extra audio where he screams even more. The school says he's no longer teaching there, and that students should always be treated with "dignity and respect."
(The original video has unbleeped F-bombs and other profanity. The longer "New York Post" video bleeps the F-words, but still has uncensored profanity.)
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