Four More Cast Members from "A Christmas Story" Are Coming Back 

Four more cast members from "A Christmas Story" are coming back for the HBO Max sequel . . . and they were all kids the first time around.

They are: 

Ian Petrella . . . who played Ralphie's little brother Randy.

Scott Schwartz . . . who played Ralphie's friend Flick, a.k.a. the kid who got his tongue stuck to the pole.

R.D. Robb . . . who played Ralphie's friend Schwartz. And no, that's not a typo.

 The kid whose REAL NAME is Schwartz didn't play the character named Schwartz.

Zack Ward . . . who played the bully, Scut Farkus.

The only other confirmed cast member so far is Peter Billingsley, who's returning as an adult version of Ralphie. 

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Ralphie is back! A Christmas Story sequel is in the works with Peter Billingsley set to return.

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Photo: Getty Images

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