3 Things You Must See: World War Two vet Dances To Stayin' Alive!

World War Two vet in Oregon named Jack Becker just turned 100 and celebrated by dancing to "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees.

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bald eagle in Pennsylvania crashed through the front window of someone's home and was then able to fly away before being captured.


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Listen to this Woman Go Off on a Plumber



A plumber on a job in Dallas chose the wrong driveway to park his earth mover. He also made the mistake of blocking this woman's car. When the clip starts he's talking about how she backed her car into his tractor on purpose. 



Then the real fireworks start. She gets out of her car and gives him every bit of hell she can think of . . . and then tops if off by getting back in the driver's seat and laying on the horn.


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Photo: Getty Images

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