A 2 Mile Charity Run In Nothing But Red Panties and Santa Hats!
A bunch of people in Budapest raised money for charity by running two miles in nothing but Santa hats and red underwear. It's an annual event that had to be canceled last year because of the pandemic.
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A woman in Philadelphia named Charlotte Fatoma tried to drive herself to the hospital when she went into labor last month but had the baby in her car on the side of the road. And yesterday, she got to meet the 911 operator who talked her through it.
The operator's name is Elyce Rivera, and she'd only been on the job for a month. When they finally met, Charlotte revealed that she named her daughter Elizabeth Elyce in her honor. She also asked her to be the kid's godmother.
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When Mom Tries to Use Alexa for the First Time
Parents can be lovable, and hilarious. Sometimes both if they're good sports and will let you film them talking to Alexa.
Somebody posted a video of their mom asking Alexa how she can watch"The Waltons" on the CW Network.
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Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images