IG Milf Monday: Jodi Harrison Bauer

Brother Rod, Sounds like we are running out of time for submitting a MILF for 2021. Hope you can get her up fr the family to see. Don't let anyone tell you differently. MILF Monday is the best. I like Tats, Thiccs and all the others but this is the best part of my Monday. ​Of course, listening to you guys on the air from 6-10 as well. 10 plus year listener Marc in Katy.

Great job here Marc from the "Best Side"! Thanks for all the years... Means a lot! Have a Great Week. ~  Rod

If you have or see an awesome Instagram that we should feature just send the link to rod@thebuzz.com and TELL ME WHY I SHOULD RUN IT!

Here is Jodi Harrison Bauer and her 95.5 thousand followers.

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