A Brothel Is Offering Free Sex to Anyone Who Gets Vaccinated

We've seen lots of incentives for getting vaccinated. 

Everything from scholarships and cash, to beer, trucks, and guns. But Austria may have figured out what people REALLY want. A brothel in Vienna is offering free SEX to anyone who gets vaccinated on site.

They set up a vaccination booth, and anyone who gets jabbed can spend 30 minutes with the "lady of their choice." They didn't elaborate on what happens in those 30 minutes, so we're not sure what exactly they get. And it's not just for men. Women are welcome to take advantage of the deal too.

One guy said he was planning to get vaccinated eventually, but pulled the trigger when he heard about the brothel. Around a third of Austria still hasn't been vaxxed, so there's a big push for it. The owner of the brothel says the pandemic has cut his business by 50%, so he wants as many people as possible to get the shot.

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