IG Wild Card Wednesday: Briana

Long time listener and just recently heard you say "I probably have the easiest email here rod@thebuzz.com " and being 10 yrs out of the bar business and in Corporate America now I need email addresses to be able to exchange stuff...

So this is Her!!   And this is her company: https://instagram.com/brinic.co?utm_medium=copy_link

 Damn is all I have to say. Any of her models can be anywhere on your lists all week. 

Thanks again for your voice both on the radio and to better our city. 

-- Drew

Thanks, Drew .. the Perfect Wild Card for today! ~ Rod

If you have or see an awesome Instagram that we should feature just send a link to rod@thebuzz.com and TELL ME WHY I SHOULD RUN IT!

Here is Briana and her 62.8 thousand followers.

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