ICONS~Cats Might Be the Only Animal That Doesn't Like To Work for Its Meals

Cats Might Be the Only Animal That Doesn't Like Working for Its Meals

Cats have a reputation for being lazy, entitled, little jerks. And we love them anyway. But this probably won't help with that: Studies have found most animals prefer WORKING for their food over getting a free hand-out. It's probably why it's so easy to get dogs to sit and do tricks for treats.

But a new study found cats might be the ONLY animal that doesn't feel that way. Researchers gave them the option of solving an easy "food puzzle" to get their dinner, so they had to work for it a little. OR they could just eat freely from another plate.

And it's not clear why, but all of the cats in the study preferred the free hand-out, and didn't want to work for it. It might be because they're just wired that way. Or it's possible the "food puzzle" didn't motivate them in the right way. Cats love to ambush their prey, and that wasn't really part of it.

Photo: Getty Images

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