OY VEY!! TikTok Woman Says Other Women Hate Her Because She’s So Attractive


Brenttany Sharraine is an attractive woman…just ask her! On TikTik, she shared the struggles she’s had to overcome as someone who’s just so. damn. beautiful. She says she’s gotten “scowls” from other women, been used as a “trophy,” and been told that she “looks expensive,” even though she says she wasn’t wearing anything expensive at the time. She also says that women have told her they “thought she was a bitch” before they really “got to know” her, and has even been “excluded from friend groups…even ones that she started.”Such are the perils of being flawless.


And I mean, she is a gorgeous girl...

Idk, is this off-putting or just confidence?

Feel free to share your thoughts with me: tessa@thebuzz.com

Photo: Barrera, Tessa

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