Criminals: A Woman Has an Outstanding Felony Charge For VHS Tape From 1999

A Woman Learns She Has an Outstanding Felony Charge for Not Returning a VHS Tape in 1999

There's nothing like finding out you're a WANTED FELON over a technology that basically doesn't even exist anymore.

There's a 52-year-old woman named Caron McBride, and she just got married in Texas. But when she went to try to change her last name, there was a problem . . . she had an outstanding FELONY chargeback in her hometown of Norman, Oklahoma.

She looked into it, and the felony embezzlement charge comes from 1999, when she rented a VHS tape of "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" from a video store and never returned it. The charges were filed in March of 2000.

She says she has no memory of renting it. Quote, "I had lived with a young man, he had two kids . . . and I'm thinking he went and got it and didn't take it back or something. I have never watched that show in my entire life. Just not my cup of tea."

So obviously, she has no idea where the tape is . . . and even if she did, it wouldn't help. The video store she rented it from went out of business in 2008.

Even so, technically, the county still could've decided to prosecute her, but they just announced they're dropping the charges. Now she's going to try to get it expunged. 

She says she's been let go from a lot of jobs for no reason and this explains it, quote, "Because when they ran my criminal background check, they're seeing those two words: felony embezzlement." 

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The family that runs the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing in Florida sold a miracle Covid cure last year . . . that turned out to be BLEACH.

 Now they've all been indicted on federal charges and could all face LIFE in prison.

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A Guy Who Had 35 Girlfriends Is Busted for Fraud After Getting Them All to Buy Him Birthday Presents

This guy was dating more people at the same time than I dated total in my entire life. So yeah, lock him up.

There's a 39-year-old guy named Takashi Miyagawa in Osaka, Japan. And he managed to get into relationships with 35 DIFFERENT WOMEN at the same time . . . by selling shower products door-to-door for a multi-level marketing pyramid scheme.

So why did he have so many girlfriends? It seems like he wasn't in it for the sex or emotional companionship or even out of some deep insecurity about his own handsomeness and charm . . . he was just in it for the presents.

Because he would tell each of his girlfriends that his birthday was on a different date . . . so they'd buy him a steady flow of gifts.

His scam blew up in February when a few of his girlfriends found out about each other . . . and then they started tracking down more women who thought they were in a relationship with this guy.

And his scam wasn't even THAT lucrative. For all the work he put in . . . which included keeping track of the women and the lies he told them on an Excel spreadsheet . . . he only took down around $1,400 in presents.

And now, he's facing fraud charges. 

(Here's a picture of this guy.)

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A Kindergarten Teacher Is Arrested for Doing Cocaine at Work

I wouldn't be able to teach kindergarten. I just don't have anywhere close to the energy it takes. But . . . this really isn't the right way to FIND that energy.

There's a 46-year-old woman named Cybil Billie who's a kindergarten teacher in Colonial Heights, Virginia.

And she was arrested last week after a security officer at her elementary school found out Cybil was getting through the days with . . . COCAINE.

The officer found cocaine in her desk while her kids were at recess, and she was arrested and charged with felony drug possession.

Some reporters interviewed a parent of one of her students who was REALLY forgiving about what happened.

Quote, "I let [my daughter] know that sometimes adults make mistakes and just like children, there are consequences . . . she will get the help that she needs. She was a great teacher. My daughter enjoyed having her so much." 

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(Here's her mugshot.)

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