A Porch Pirate Gets Caught and Stumbles Through an Obvious Lie
This happened last month in Portland, Oregon, but it's making the rounds now. It's doorbell cam of a porch pirate getting caught in the act . . . and then stumbling through an obvious lie about being a UPS auditor.
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A Bar Confiscates a Girl's Fake I.D. . . . So She Calls the Cops?
Teenagers think they know everything. So it's fun to see them be naïve and stupid every now and then . . .
An 18-year-old girl named Blakelee Sands tried to go to a bar outside Oklahoma City on Tuesday and was VERY confident in her fake I.D.
The bartender carded her because she looks about 15. And when she flashed her fake I.D., they confiscated it.
But instead of just leaving, she opted to call the COPS.
When police showed up, she told them the I.D. was real, and that the bartender wouldn't give it back.
The name on it was "McKamie Queen" . . . so, not a very common first OR last name. And when they ran the license number, it belonged to a random guy in Texas.
She's facing charges for trying to mislead police by presenting a fake I.D.
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(Here's her mugshot.)
Photo Courtesy: Edmond Police Department
A Car Flies 125 Feet in the Air, Crashes Through the Roof of a House . . . and the Driver Survives
There IS such a thing as being TOO fast and TOO furious.
A 25-year-old guy named Irrael Hildago was driving in Larchwood, Iowa this week when he missed a curve, hit a ditch . . . and his car went airborne.
He flew 125 FEET and crashed through the roof of a house.
Amazingly, he survived, although the police didn't release any word on his condition. And no one was inside the house at the time.
The speed limit was 35 miles-per-hour, but the cops estimate he was going at least 115. Charges against him are pending.
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Someone in Florida stole a car that had 30 vials of the Pfizer vaccine inside.
Cops don't think they were targeting the vaccines and probably had no idea they were in there.
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