Corona Light: Ryan Reynolds and Seth Rogen Asked To Tell Youth To Stay Home

Here's the Premier of British Columbia, John Horgan, asking Ryan Reynolds and Seth Rogen to tell young people to stay home and stop spreading COVID-19.

Last week, an official from Ryan Reynolds' native British Columbia put out a call to Ryan, asking him to tell young people to stay home and STOP THE SPREAD of the coronavirus. So, Ryan sent a message to his fellow Canadians to stop spreading the coronavirus for his mom's sake. He said, quote, "She wants to be out there cruising [the beach] looking for some young 30-something Abercrombie burnout to go full Mrs. Robinson on. She is insatiable."

The hot new trend for dog owners is teaching them to "talk" using buttons they can push that have pre-loaded words like "food" and "play." 

A new article in the "Wall Street Journal" says a lot of people have started doing it during the pandemic. 

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(Here's a clip we found of a woman's dog trying to get her to take her to the beach.)

The latest coronavirus shortage is . . . pepperoni.

 Pizza shops are reporting higher pepperoni prices as the supply is going down.

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A guy near San Francisco left a waiter a $1,000 tip, and then gave the restaurant's host another 400 bucks on his way out. 

It was a "Venmo Challenge" thing, where you ask friends to donate a few bucks and then give it all away.

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The oldest person in America got a big drive-by birthday party in Charlotte this weekend.

 Her name is Hester Ford, and she turned 116 years old on Saturday. She has 48 grandkids and over 200 great-grandchildren

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Photo: Getty Images

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