10 Margo James 9 Bru 8 Sophie Dee 7 Emma 🌙 6 juli.annee 5 Silvana Araujo 4 Jadelyn 🦋 3 Natalie Newman 2 Devin Brugman 1 TERANN Check Out Alex's last Top 10 List and compare it to the new one Alex's Halfway Point of The Year Top 10 IG FeaturesIt’s time for a look at Alex’s Top 10 on 2019. We are at the half way point on the year so let’s have a look.By The Rod Ryan ShowChile's Quarterly Report Top 10 IG Features of The Year Chile started keeping a list of his top 10 favorite IG features. There was a change at the number 10,9, and 7 spots enjoy.By The Rod Ryan Show