Chile started keeping a list of his top 10 favorite IG features. There was a change at the number 10,9, and 7 spots enjoy. 10 Camila Bernal ♡ 9 JORDAN 8 Bella 7 Bootylicious Jenni 6 yarishna 5 Christina Belanger 4 F I O R E L L A 3 Natasha Thomsen 2 Laci Kay Somers 1 Stephanie Viada Check Out Chile's last Top 10 List and compare it to the new one Chile's Halfway Point Of The Year Top 10 IG FeaturesChile has been keeping a list of his top 10 favorite IG features. So we are all wondering what the menu looks like so here it is.By The Rod Ryan ShowAlex's Quarterly Report Top 10 IG Features of The YearAlex's Quarterly Report Top 10 IG Features of The YearBy The Rod Ryan Show