3 Things You Must See: A Failed Gender Reveal with a Very "Dad-Like" Ending

A Failed Gender Reveal with a Very "Dad-Like" Ending

A video has been making the rounds of a family in their backyard trying to break open a giant "gender reveal balloon" that's tethered to the grass. They're hitting it with sticks, but they can't get it to pop.

Then the balloon comes loose and starts floating OUT of the yard, so the dad tries to do a combination "leap and climb" over a fence . . . but he ends up flat on his back.

An actor in the Philippines may've set a world record by not blinking for one hour, 17 minutes, and three seconds. 

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A Large Dog Gently Pets a Small Kitten

A woman posted video of her large dog GENTLY petting a tiny rescue kitten that's taking a bath in the kitchen sink. Ruby Jane is a bloodhound and she had to get up on her hind legs to reach into the sink.


Fearless Woman Covers Face With Hundreds of Bees

Today's entry for "the nopiest of nopes." How can she breathe like that??

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