"Boy Meets World "MAITLAND WARD Goes Full Porn
MAITLAND WARD from"Boy Meets World"discusses what led to her transition to hardcore porn.
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With a butt like this,CHELSEA HANDLER can't believe she's still single.
(WARNING: Naked cheeks ahead.)
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A Woman Invented a Sponge Specifically for Cleaning Up After Sex
Sex involves a lot of, well, fluids. So after you're done getting-it-on, you're left dealing with all of those fluids.
That's why a woman named Frances Tang in Costa Mesa, California invented a product called "Come&Gone" . . . a special sponge on a stick designed for women to do some internal cleaning after sex.
The instructions say, quote, "Just grab the handle, insert, swirl, remove, and toss." If you're interested, a 10-pack of the sponges costs $10.
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