Food: FREE FISH on Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!

FREE FISH on Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!

Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day . . . and you can get free food at Long John Silver's if you go into one of their stores and talk like a pirate. 

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Blue Moon is releasing a new beer: Blue Moon Iced Coffee Blonde. 

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Today is also National Butterscotch Pudding Day

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Two-Thirds of People Aren't Interested in Eating KFC's New Donut Chicken Sandwich?

What's happened to society? We're turning down opportunities to eat donuts now?

If you missed this, KFC just started testing a new chicken sandwich that uses a DONUT as a bun.

But according to a survey, two-thirds of people say they're NOT INTERESTED in trying it.

28% of people say they're interested . . . which includes about one out of eight people who are VERY interested.

Men are more likely to be interested . . . 35% of men want to try the sandwich, versus 22% of women. 

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A nine-year-old girl is going viral for putting cheese in an old tube of lip balm so she can secretly eat it during class. 

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Apparently the hot new food trend is snail caviar.

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A guy tried to rob a Dunkin' Donuts in New York, but he couldn't get the register open . . . so he just ran off with a half dozen donuts. 

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If You Eat Lots of Salt, You Should Also Eat Lots of Cheese to Stay Healthy

I feel like this is a REALLY easy ask.

According to a new study out of Penn State University, if you eat a lot of salt, one of the best ways to keep your heart healthy is . . . to also eat a lot of cheese. Okay, I guess I can handle that.

The researchers found that when people who ate a lot of salt also ate four servings of cheese, it made their blood vessels stronger . . . which lowers your chance of having heart problems.

Now, the researchers DID find the healthiest people in the study were the ones who didn't eat much salt OR much cheese. But if you ARE going to eat salt, then the extra cheese comes in handy. 

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A Guy Installs a Safe in the Fridge to Stop His Fiancée From Eating His Chocolate

Are you sick of going to the fridge to eat something and finding that someone else in your house already got to it? Maybe you should do what this guy did.

A guy named Dave Williams in Wales was tired of his fiancée, Stacey Lowe, eating his chocolate. So he bought a see-through SAFE . . . and used it to lock up his chocolate and other desserts inside the fridge.

Stacey posted a picture of the fridge safe, and now it's going viral.

And by the way, if you want one of these fridge safes to pull the same move, you can get one on Amazon for $40. 

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