3 things you Must See Today: A Company Is Selling $80 Boxes of Used Tissues

A Company Is Selling $80 Boxes of Used Tissues to Help You Prepare for the Flu Season

A company just started selling USED TISSUES because they say they'll help prepare you for the flu season.  Doctors don't agree . . . but if you want the tissues, they're $80-A-BOX.

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The Trendy New Hairstyle Is . . . Troll Doll Hair

I guess we've run out of places to get inspiration for hairstyles, so it's come to this.  Apparently, the trendy new men's hairstyle is . . . TROLL DOLL HAIR.

"Esquire" says that a bunch of the male models in a fashion show in Paris had their hair swirled up and waxed into a point, just like troll dolls . . . and now it's a thing.

So you should probably start styling your hair like that too, obviously.  

Read More HERE

Watch Some People Get Chased by a Giant Moose

Some skiers and snowboarders almost paid the price of getting too close to a giant moose at Breckenridge Ski Resort in Colorado.  You're supposed to keep your distance, but they didn't, and the moose started charging.

If you've never seen a moose run, they're surprisingly fast, and the people were lucky they were able to stay ahead of it.

(Warning!  There's profanity, including an F-word 2 seconds in.  Search for "Snowboarders Chased By Moose At Breckenridge Ski Resort."  There's an edit at 0:21, which is when the moose starts charging.)



A Speeding Car Comes Within Inches of Hitting a Woman

This happened in the blink of an eye and it could have been tragic.  Street cam in Vietnam filmed a woman walking on a road next to a curb, and then a car comes roaring by and plows over a parked motorcycle, and misses her by inches.

The wind energy from the speeding car actually knocks her to the ground, but she gets up pretty quickly.  The jerk driving the car keeps going and doesn't stop. 


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