How to Make the Latest TikTok Trend, "Fluffy Coke"

Fluffy Coke Is A Thing On TikTok But Is It Good To Drink?: Fluffy Coke is going viral on TikTok, but it’s also getting some pushback. It’s simply lining a glass with Marshmallow Fluff and filling the glass with your favorite soda. While thousands of people love the drink. Others are going after the sugar aspect. One commenter noted "I love me a diet coke, but now people are making it fluffy?? this just ruins the whole point of a DIET coke," and another said it’s "diabetes in a cup." Celebrity dietitian, nutritional therapist, and author Kim Shapira is chiming in saying an occasional glass of fluffy coke is alright, but more than that and "it's going to cause you to feel fatigued and probably nauseous." She also reminds of tooth decay and that it can be "disruptive to your overall well-being."

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