Gwyneth Paltrow Talks Ex's and Plays Eff, Marry, Kill

This made me laugh. I want all of Hollywood to play this game with their ex's. HA HA

GWYNNY plays EFF MARRY KILL and her ex's are the target!

via TMZ, 'GP said, "That is really hard because Brad was like the sort of major chemistry, love of your life, kind [of hookup]" ... adding, “And then Ben was, like, technically excellent."

Gwyneth, currently married to "Glee" co-creator Brad Falchuk, even played a game of "Marry, F***, Kill" ... and her choices were Ben, Brad, and her ex-husband Chris Martin.

GP told Alexandra she'd remarry Chris because he gave her their two children, have sex with Brad again, and said, "Ben, yeah, God bless him"."

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