Dave Ramsey Fired a Dozen Employees For Having Premarital Sex

Ramsey Solutions, the company founded by evangelical radio personality Dave Ramsey*, has admitted to firing at least 12 employees in recent years because they were having premarital sex.

The admission comes in response to a wrongful termination suit filed by former employee Caitlin O'Connor, who says she was canned for becoming pregnant out of wedlock.

A spokesman for Ramsey says O'Connor wasn't dismissed because she was pregnant; she was let go because she violated the company's "righteous living" policy.

He defends the move by noting several employees have been fired for the same reason, and "most of them weren't pregnant" at the time, which is actually not any better.

I can't wait for the day we find out something scandalous about Dave Ramsey. You know people aren't this controlling of others without having secrets and demons of their own.

*If you aren't familiar, Dave Ramsey is a financial advisor who I don't like very much. Obviously.

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