Bathroom Penis Doodles Replaced By Vulvas

Nearly half of all public toilets in London have at least one penis doodle. That's a thing I learned today! I bet Houston isn't much different.

Bodyform is taking over London loos with paintings of female genitalia in an attempt to remove women’s shame about their bodies.

The installations continue the brand’s "Viva la vulva" campaign, which launched in the UK earlier this year and features a lip-sync ad celebrating vulvas in all their shapes and sizes. The work, by Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO, appeals to the 42% of women who have felt embarrassed about their genitalia and the 61% who have felt pressure for it to look a certain way.


Traci Baxter, marketing manager at Bodyform, said: "It is our mission to break down the taboos that hold women back, so naturally we want to help women celebrate and own their bodies. With our 'bathroom takeover', taking place at select venues where permissions have been granted, we want to celebrate the female form to ensure every woman feels pride in her body.

"Without a positive relationship with the most intimate part of our body, we can’t have a positive relationship with ourselves." (Campaign Live)

I've seen "viva la vulva" graffiti around Houston, and not gonna lie, I loved it. I'd be cool with this campaign spreading stateside. Check out more photos of the artwork on Bustle.

PODCAST: Men With Big Feet Don't Necessarily Have Big Penises

This will be good news for some, a bummer for others: a researcher has confirmed (again) that a man's shoe size has no correlation with his penis size.

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