2023's Hardest-Working States in America... Texas is Top 10!

Believe it or not, Monday is Labor Day.  So it's time to stop wearing white unless you have to . . . for work.



Americans generally put in more hours at work than people in most other countries.  The average in the U.S. was 1,811 hours last year . . . that's about 37 hours a week if you take three weeks off a year.  And it's about 25% more than people in Germany, France, or the U.K.  But 19% LESS than people in Mexico.



But which state has the HARDEST workers?  An annual study ranked all 50 states based on things like employment rates, hours worked, average commute, and how much free time people have in general.



According to the results, the ten hardest-working states are North Dakota . . . Alaska . . . South Dakota . . . Nebraska . . . Wyoming . . . Texas . . . Virginia . . . Colorado . . . Kansas . . . and Hawaii.



New Mexico ranked last, followed by New York, West Virginia, Michigan, and Connecticut. 

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Photo: John Moore / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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