IG Wild Card Wednesday: Mariana Morais

Brother Chile! First off, congrats on getting your citizenship! I know a few folks who have done it, and it does not sound as easy as one would think, so congrats on that big accomplishment!

Now check out this beauty! I'm unsure if you all have featured her before, but this is my first submission, and it’s a doozy.

I guess she would fall into wild card Wednesday since you don’t have six to midnight Monday, Teet Tastic Tuesday, or washboard Wednesday! This lovely lady may fall into Alex P's top 10 and maybe even Chile’s top 10! Hell, she might even land in Tessa’s top 10. 

She blew up on my feed over the weekend for this runway walk, and boy, oh boy, it was like a tractor beam!

The first name is fine, but no last name, please, if you all use her. Chris in Spring

WOW, Thank you, Chris, I'm in love, LOL ~Chile

If you have or see an excellent Instagram we should feature, send a link to chile@thebuzz.com and TELL ME WHY I SHOULD RUN IT!

Here is Mariana Morais, and see why she has 1 million followers.

Someone named Chris from Spring has introduced an exciting Wild Card feature. Chris is confident it will earn a spot on Alex's and Chile's top ten lists and even on Tessa's List. Now, let's meet Mariana Morais.

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