Crazy Criminalz: A Furious Furry Beat a Guy with a Bullhorn

A Furious Furry Beat a Guy with a Bullhorn



  If you get your kicks by dressing up in a mascot costume, we're not judging.  But you still can't commit assault . . .



A bunch of furries had a big beach party near L.A. on Saturday.  It's an annual thing called the Sunset Beach Bonfire "Furmeet", where people show up dressed as animals.  But things got even hairier than usual this year.



Some guy refused to stop filming them.  So one of the head furries . . . a guy we'll call "Wolf-Pirate" . . . started beating him with a BULLHORN. 



There's footage of the whole thing.  He tells the guy, "Leave, or we will make you leave."  Then he starts swinging the bullhorn, and clocks him in the side of the head.  Other people piled on after that, including at least one other furry.


The video has uncensored F-bombs and other profanity.  

It's not clear who the guy filming them was.  But someone online claimed his name is Renn, and that he's ALSO a furry who got kicked out of the group.



Either way, Renn started bleeding . . . then SCREAMING . . . and yelled, "This is what furries do to you, man!" He also yelled, "I'm gonna sue you until you don't have a life."



There are photos and videos of the aftermath, including a shot of Renn sitting on the sand with his head wrapped in gauze.

Cops eventually showed up.  There's footage of one of them tackling the second furry who piled onto the fight.  No word on any charges, though.



It's not clear what happened to Wolf-Pirate.  But at least one report suggested he DID get arrested. 



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A woman asked her sister to babysit her newborn baby . . . and then was STUNNED when she caught her breastfeeding the baby. 

 The sister was also a new mother.  The woman called the police on her sister.  But now, she's asking the internet if her reaction was too harsh.  

Read More HERE


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