10 PSAs That Tried to Save Generation X 

A list of popular PSAs from the '70s and '80s includes Woodsy Owl's urging   If you grew up in the '70s and '80s, you probably remember seeing PSAs on TV in between your cartoons.  Though, it's hard to say if they made a difference or not. 





1.  "Parents who use drugs, have children who use drugs", Drug-Free America:  A dad asks his son how he learned to do drugs.  The son says, quote, "I learned it by watching you!"



2.  "Give a hoot, don't pollute," the U.S. Forest Service:  Woodsy Owl wants to stop pollution and doesn't want you to be a "dirty bird".

3.  "This is crack":  Pee-Wee Herman warns kids about the dangers of using crack while holding a small container of it.  He says, quote, "Every time you use it, you risk dying."


4.  C-3PO from "Star Wars" catches R2-D2 smoking a cigarette.  He warns kids about the dangers of smoking and says it doesn't make them grow up.


5.  "Kids bring more than lunch to school," NBC:  Marla Gibbs from "The Jeffersons" and "227," says teachers need to support their students, as they could be bringing bruises, drugs, or teen pregnancy to school.



6.  An animated Captain America shows kids how to conserve energy in the home.  He fights the Thermal Thief, the Wattage Waster, and the Cold Air Crook.



7.  "This is your brain on drugs," Drug-Free America:  A man in a kitchen compares an egg frying in a pan to a brain on drugs.


Actress Rachel Leigh Cook did a fantastic update in 1997 before she became famous in movies like "She's All That."

8.  "Only you can prevent forest fires," Smokey Bear:  Kids are taught the dangers of leaving their campfire burning in this animated clip.



 9.  "Drinking and driving can kill a friendship":  A group of teens gets into a car intoxicated, and as soon as the car starts, they turn into skeletons while Michael Jackson's "Beat It" plays in the background.



10.  He-Man and She-Ra talk about inappropriate touching.  They urge kids to speak up to someone they trust if they've been touched.



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Photo: CHANDAN KHANNA / AFP / Getty Images

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